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Trans-Inclusive Sex Education Topics For Young Kids

6 minute read

Public school in America starts when the kid is five years old, but gender and sex education should begin when the child starts understanding the concept of gender identity which can be as early as 18 months old! So let’s talk about what topics are age appropriate and why.

The guide below is the recommended age to introduce each topic. Learning is ongoing, it may take a kid years to understand the topic, and neurodivergent children may not fully grasp a concept as early as their neurotypical peers. You also know your child best, they might not be ready at the recommended age either.

If your child’s school isn’t providing this education early enough or you’re opting out to teach your child this content at home, consider this a pocket guide for your syllabus!

Birth to 1 Year

Use correct names for genitals

Studies show that kids who use the correct anatomical words like penis, scrotum, vulva, and clitoris enhances their body image, self-confidence, and openness. It also reduces their susceptibility to predators and in the event that they are sexually abused, having the correct language helps.

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1 – 2 Years

The concept of consent

Learning how to say no is also a challenge for adults and it’s often because they never had autonomy as children. Help your child have a healthy relationship with the word “no” and “stop” by allowing them to set that boundary and then respect it. Teaching this vital skill can empower them to protect themselves when you’re not there.


Bodies do not determine gender

After having learned the name of each body part, including genitals, it’s important to remind children that bodies do not indicate gender. Breasts and vulvas are not exclusive to women; those that aren’t women have them too. Penises and scrotums are not exclusive to men; those that aren’t men have them too. Don’t assume someone’s gender based on their appearance. That’s it. That’s the whole lesson.

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2 – 3 Years

The concept of boundaries

When a child is told no, it is important they learn how to recognize that is a boundary and how to handle their possibly big feelings whether it is you saying no to ice-cream before dinner or a teenager not responding to their romantic advancements.


Gender identity options

Most kids can easily state their gender when asked, so this is where we start talking about the labels on the gender spectrum so they can tell you who they are. At this age, self-recognition is still in progress, so a kid might change their answer every time you ask.


Sources & References

Families look all kinds of ways

Some kids have one mom and one dad. Some kids have two moms. Some kids have two dads. Some kids have three or more parents (blended families). Some kids have only one parent. Some kids have none. The topic is family diversity, not sexual orientation.

Many Disney stories, both classic and modern, have diverse families from dead parents, step parents, being raised by a sibling, etc. Seek out stories that include diverse families in a positive light (Cinderella, I’m looking at you for making step-moms and sisters look bad!). Examples might be:



Toddlers masturbate. Talk about boundaries to limit it to their alone time in the bathroom or bedroom. Talk about consent and how it makes you feel uncomfortable when they do it around you, family members, or guests.

Additionally, set a boundary to always wash hands before and after their alone time to promote hygiene and to avoid infections like a UTI.


Personal genital hygiene

When potty training starts, cover toilet hygiene such as wiping a vulva from front to back and how to clean a foreskin. At this time, only teach about the routine they need to do for their bodies, not everyone’s bodies (unless asked). That will come later. Why? Because it’s important to know how to take care of other people’s bodies, especially for those in caregiver roles such as parents, guardians, medical staff, and those working in homes for disabled or elderly.

Education on self-care should not be placed on the shoulders of just the parent who has the same genitals as the kid. If your family is fortunate enough to have more than one parent or caregiver, then it’s all of your jobs to educate as a team. E.g. dads should be just as involved in teaching their daughters how to wipe rather than remain ignorant on how to care for a vulva.

3 – 4 Years


Start normalizing introducing yourself to others with your pronouns and asking other people what their pronouns are. Use gender neutral pronouns until you know what someone’s pronouns are since we shouldn’t assume based on appearance.

4 – 8 Years

Gender euphoria

Guide your child with finding activities and looks that are gender affirming for them. For example, a cis/trans girl might want to play with make-up or ask to shave their legs. Encourage the things that bring them euphoria.

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Gender dysphoria & body dysmorphia

Educate your child on both of these and keep an open connection in case they need to talk to you about it.

Keep an eye out for signs of depression because it really can start this early.


Sources & References:

Editor's Note: This article was originally published on , and was last reviewed on . This article will be updated periodically with more references and resources for the different topics.

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