On the Trans Day of Visibility, a teacher read a book about gender identity to a room of first graders at my local elementary school. Conservative parents are upset that this was done in a public school because they feel that they should have been given advanced notice and the option to opt their child out of this lesson on gender identity.

I understand if you wanted parental consent on a topic such as sex, sexual orientations, and sex education. But here’s the real problem that these misguided parents seem to not understand: gender identity is not any of those things.
- Gender identity is not sexual orientation
- Gender identity is not about reproductive organs or the physical bodies of humans
- Learning about gender identity is not the same as learning sex eucation
Perhaps the parents don’t know this about gender identity, which would explain their concern. But I will say this: trans and non-binary people exist and are allowed to exist in public spaces. There might have been a trans child in that room, whether anyone knew or not.
Everyone is assigned a gender identity at birth. Some even before they’re born at these ritualistic events called “gender reveal” parties. We’ve romanticized heteronormative relationships with fairy tales like Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and even in books and media where the primary family has a mother and father. There are T-Shirts that call toddlers a “heartbreaker” and parents who ooh and ahh at their children with their friends, suggesting they’ll get married one day for simply holding hands or hugging.
Children as young as 2 and 3 years old start becoming aware of cis gender. So if it is your parental right, and not the responsibility of the public school system, to teach your child about gender, then don’t forget to teach them about trans gender starting in toddlerhood. These ages are not too young. I understand you might think that if you have no knowledge in this area.
I spoke at the school board meeting for my local district to explain that my gender is not political. It doesn’t need your consent. I just want to be accepted by my community. You can watch it and the other pro-trans comments below.
This video was edited from the original version to exclude the voices of the opposition because not all opinions are equally valid. Homophobic and transphobic hatred is not worthy of equal time. You can watch the original video here.