The Legislative Panel for the Disability & Mental Health Summit 2022 was held on March 17, 2022, at 1 PM at the St. Clair Hospital and was live-streamed. You can watch it below.

State Representative Dan Miller’s annual Disability & Mental Health Summit kicks off with the bipartisan, bicameral Legislative Panel! Our system was blinking red before the pandemic, and COVID-19 has only exacerbated those problems. Join us for a discussion with a panel of experts as we talk about what needs to happen in order to improve access, capacity, and system resiliency as we go forward.
The legislators and testifiers will be hosted in person at St. Clair Health, and the audience will be able to view the proceedings virtually.
Legislators include: Senators Costa, Robinson, Fontana & Bartolotta, and Reps. Kulik, Lee, Kinkead, Markosek, Lewis-DelRosso, Mihalek, Mercuri, Deasy, Frankel, Pisciottano and Innamorato!
Tessa Watkins, the autistic self-advocate that owns this website, is on the planning committee for this event and will be speaking in on day 2 of the informational sessions scheduled for May 26, 2022.