Karate-Do & Pregnancy: The Fourth Trimester
What’s it like for a martial artist to heal from pregnancy? Read more about my personal postpartum experience with karate.
Parents are uniquely marginalized and it became even more obvious during the COVID-19 pandemic as vaccinations rolled out, allowing adults to return to “normal life” but parents had to continue taking precautions to keep their children safe.
I became a parent in 2018 and you’ll find my random parenting advice. It’s not unsolicited advice if I put it on the internet and you came to me, right?
What’s it like for a martial artist to heal from pregnancy? Read more about my personal postpartum experience with karate.
Struggling to with cloth diaper leaks? Maybe our experiences can help! Leaks during sleep is one of the top issues we’ve faced.
Planned Ignoring, or attention extinction, is an abusive technique recommended by Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for autism treatment.
Check out how we got started with cloth diapers for our kid, including a shopping list for your baby shower registry!
I practiced karate-do until delivery day. Learn about the do’s and don’t’s for pregnant karate students.
One of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby during pregnancy is to keep in good shape. Learn more about exercising in the second trimester!
Congratulations on your pregnancy & welcome to the first trimester! Learn about which karate-do exercises are safe and which to avoid as you create life.
Turn yourself into a Clicker from The Last of Us video game with this crafty tutorial using papier-mâché and expanding foam.