Atkins Mocha Latte Shake Recipe Changed: An Autistic’s Worst Nightmare
An open letter to Atkins on how their new recipe for the Mocha Latte Shake recipe affected an autistic adult.
Why fix what’s not broken? If you can’t see anything broken, then you’re benefiting from the current systems in place. Of course you don’t see the need for advocacy.
That is a privilege.
Because plenty of us experience discrimination in areas you may not see or understand. To us, it’s clear that systems are broken.
And we need to fix what is broken so everyone can live the life they deserve.
All lives can’t matter until we have a world that values all lives equally. To do so means we need equitable solutions.
Silence won’t change the world.
An open letter to Atkins on how their new recipe for the Mocha Latte Shake recipe affected an autistic adult.
Learn more about functioning labels, why they’re unhelpful and harmful, and what to use instead when discussing autism.
Learn more about Asperger’s Syndrome why this outdated term should stop being used to describe autistic people.
Understand how and why members of the autistic community are marginalized both historically and currently.
Want to know more about autism and the autistic experience? This month, Integrity Speech Therapy decided to ask me, an autistic person.
Learn about the privilege of receiving a clinical autism diagnosis, the hurdles autistic people face, and why self-diagnosis is completely valid.
Support Keeping All Students Safe (KASSA) by Stopping the Shock! FDA’s ban on a dangerous electric shock device was overturned by angry parents and therapists.
Ole Ivar Lovaas, the founder of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is interviewed about his dehumanizing perspective of autistic people that led to his abusive and torturous methods to force compliance in his autism treatment.
Learn about Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and its founder, Ole Ivar Lovaas, and his early tests on autistic children at UCLA.
Planned Ignoring, or attention extinction, is an abusive technique recommended by Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for autism treatment.
Listen to autistics, parents, and a former ABA therapist discuss why Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is abuse for autistic people in this hour-long webinar.