The Necessity of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Schools
Discover the reasons why I believe waiting for DEI to occur naturally is not enough, backed by historical insights and personal reflections.
I’m a white ally, advocate, and accomplice. I do not and will never have first-hand experience of racism to share with you. The information I provide on anti-racism is information I’m learning. I prefer to share the voices of people within the BIPOC/BBIA communities because #BlackLivesMatter.
If you’re also white, thank you for acknowledging your privilege and joining me in this endeavor.
Discover the reasons why I believe waiting for DEI to occur naturally is not enough, backed by historical insights and personal reflections.
Police don’t stop violence. They respond to violence that has already occurred with their own threat of violence. #DefundPolice is about minimizing their role and power in our society.
Learn how not to be that racist friend from Anna Akana. Topics include microaggressions, exotification, cultural appropriation, and blackfishing.
The wheel of privilege can help you visualize the spectrum of power, identity erasure, and marginalized communities to explore intersectionality.
Criticism about diversity on the Australian cartoon, Bluey, had a lot of backlash and I’m here to tell you why diverse representation is still needed.