The world is a cruel place which is why we need safe spaces
If the world is a cruel place, why can’t your home be your child’s one guaranteed safe place? Don’t be your kid’s first bully.
If the world is a cruel place, why can’t your home be your child’s one guaranteed safe place? Don’t be your kid’s first bully.
What’s it like for a martial artist to heal from pregnancy? Read more about my personal postpartum experience with karate.
Support Keeping All Students Safe (KASSA) by Stopping the Shock! FDA’s ban on a dangerous electric shock device was overturned by angry parents and therapists.
I practiced karate-do until delivery day. Learn about the do’s and don’t’s for pregnant karate students.
One of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby during pregnancy is to keep in good shape. Learn more about exercising in the second trimester!
Congratulations on your pregnancy & welcome to the first trimester! Learn about which karate-do exercises are safe and which to avoid as you create life.