Fake Allies
Learn about some of the fake allies and the mental gymnastics they go through to maintain their reality.
Why fix what’s not broken? If you can’t see anything broken, then you’re benefiting from the current systems in place. Of course you don’t see the need for advocacy.
That is a privilege.
Because plenty of us experience discrimination in areas you may not see or understand. To us, it’s clear that systems are broken.
And we need to fix what is broken so everyone can live the life they deserve.
All lives can’t matter until we have a world that values all lives equally. To do so means we need equitable solutions.
Silence won’t change the world.
Learn about some of the fake allies and the mental gymnastics they go through to maintain their reality.
There’s only two requirements for getting student loan forgiveness: your annual income and the loans are still federal loans that haven’t been refinanced or consolidated into private loans.
The autistic community prefers identity-first language over person-first language. Learn what this means and why it’s important.
Learn how not to be that racist friend from Anna Akana. Topics include microaggressions, exotification, cultural appropriation, and blackfishing.
What is ageism and childism? Learn more on how age can be a privilege or a disadvantage and how this changes across the lifespan.
The wheel of privilege can help you visualize the spectrum of power, identity erasure, and marginalized communities to explore intersectionality.
Hear from Kiera Dwyer/Gregory Tino and Brian Foti as they kick off day 2 talking about non-speaking autistic people.
Hear from Ben Breaux, a non-speaking autistic self-advocate with apraxia.
Listen to Lauren Melissa Ellzey as she discusses autistic self-regulation strategies such as stimming.
Hear about the opinions of autistic representation in the media by Schereeya Reed.
Criticism about diversity on the Australian cartoon, Bluey, had a lot of backlash and I’m here to tell you why diverse representation is still needed.
Learn why I think mainstream sex-education doesn’t work for anyone, especially neurodivergent people like intellectually disabled, autistic, and ADHD kids.