The world is a cruel place which is why we need safe spaces
If the world is a cruel place, why can’t your home be your child’s one guaranteed safe place? Don’t be your kid’s first bully.
If the world is a cruel place, why can’t your home be your child’s one guaranteed safe place? Don’t be your kid’s first bully.
Learn about angry and violent meltdowns and the techniques I use to get our family through them safely.
My partner, 4-year-old autistic child, and I flew transatlantic to visit family and we had one of the worst meltdowns of our lives in the airport.
Sometimes our kids develop interests different from our own and if that interest is Pokémon, then here is a guide on which games to get and which movies/TV shows to watch curated by an autistic parent with a special interest in Pokémon.
Learn about some of the fake allies and the mental gymnastics they go through to maintain their reality.
Read Will Brubaker’s experience as a gay student in the Mt. Lebanon high school and his plea for our school district to include people like him in the curriculum.
What is ageism and childism? Learn more on how age can be a privilege or a disadvantage and how this changes across the lifespan.
The wheel of privilege can help you visualize the spectrum of power, identity erasure, and marginalized communities to explore intersectionality.
Criticism about diversity on the Australian cartoon, Bluey, had a lot of backlash and I’m here to tell you why diverse representation is still needed.
Learn why I think mainstream sex-education doesn’t work for anyone, especially neurodivergent people like intellectually disabled, autistic, and ADHD kids.
Learn more about functioning labels, why they’re unhelpful and harmful, and what to use instead when discussing autism.
Learn more about Asperger’s Syndrome why this outdated term should stop being used to describe autistic people.